Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Fun

Saturday was a great day of Christmas festivities! Every year the real Santa Claus flies in on a helicopter to see the kids at Idle Hour. It is a lot of fun. We got there at 10:00 and didn't leave until 2:00! We watched him land, played football on the golf course, did arts and crafts, ate lunch, saw a puppet show and of course saw Santa!

The puppet show is always one of Cooper's favorite parts of the day. This year they asked for volunteers from the audience - guess who volunteered? Surprise, my little wall-flower, Cooper! Bebe Bear jumped over Cooper and 2 other kids on roller skates. It was quite a feat.

Cooper and his friend, Bebe Bear!

The last thing we did was sit on Santa's lap, tell him what we wanted for Christmas, and have our picture taken. At this point we had been at the club for almost 4 hours. Libby had had enough. She fell asleep sitting up in my arms in line. I got a little worried that she might get upset with Santa but she opened her eyes, smiled for the camera and went back to sleep! What a sweetie!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Nick the Elf

We have a boarder at our house for a few weeks. This is Nick, the Elf. He has come to watch over the kids and report back to Santa about their behavior, good or bad. He flies back to the North Pole every night and in the morning he finds a new place to sit. Cooper is really good at finding him in the morning. I'm not sure if Nick is really doing his job of encouraging good behavior but he sure is cute!

Speaking of behavior, remember that sweet little baby I was always bragging about? Well, she has disappeared! She has been replaced by a very needy, demanding child who is INTO EVERYTHING! Here she is trying to bring the tree down...

She's still pretty sweet when she sleeps though...

Poor Cooper has been under the weather this weekend. He had a touch of the stomach bug and is still not really over it. He missed the Christmas musical at church and today he missed school. I just talked to Mary and she said he is better but it's possible she is just saying that so he will go back to school and not be home all day tomorrow. Can't say I blame her!

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Happy Thanksgiving Indeed

Thanksgiving was great at the Baskette house. We had my whole family over for turkey and about 8,000 other things! All the food was good and everyone had a great time. Kirsten, Joe, Gage and Tyler all came. Gage and Tyler are so grown it's scary. Gage is 16! Insane. They are both really cute boys and Tyler was especially good with all the little ones. Cooper ran around talking about "his cousins" all weekend! Dallas, Megan and Lex came from Charleston also. Lex is really growing up. He is walking and talking (some) and so cute. Dallas got his ears pierced (at the fair - don't ask!) so that was a topic of conversation. And of course Mom, Ken, Jill and Jackson were all there too. Cooper and Jackson had a blast with so many people to play with (although Papa was still the favorite). Cooper sang the sweetest little Thanksgiving prayer for everyone before we ate. It seriously brought tears to my eyes. I told him that was my favorite part of the whole day. His favorite part was playing baseball with Kirsten.

Cooper and Jackson went home with CeeGee on Friday. This turned out to be not such a good idea since it rained all weekend. CeeGee said she felt like she had been couped up with caged animals for 2 days. Libby meanwhile was not her usual chipper self. She has a runny nose, really bad cough and an ear infection. She is quite pitiful. We saw Dr. Bush this morning though so she should be good as new by the weekend.

And now for the best part of the weekend (sorry mom).....

After 7 (yes, 7) years Georgia Tech FINALLY beat Georgia!!! Oh, and Tennessee won as well so Saturday was a great football day for us. GO JACKETS!!!