Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Libby!

Wow! I seriously cannot believe it has been a whole year since we got that wonderful call that our baby girl was born! I will never forget sitting in my office working on payroll tax returns and David calling me saying, "go home, pack some stuff and come to Jacksonville - we have a girl!" I didn't even know which way to turn! And little did I know what a special little girl we had. She was so tiny that cold day in January and look at her now!

Her birthday happened to fall on Saturday so we had a "dinner party" which everyone in my family found hilarious. Seriously it was just me being lazy. I knew I was going to have to feed everyone so why not incorporate it into the party! CeeGee, Papa, Jill, Jackson, Nanee, Paw Paw, and Andy all came for the celebration. We ate lasagna and had a WONDERFUL birthday cake. I can tell it was wonderful because it disappeared in a flash - David thought I hid it from him.

Libby didn't really feel her best but she was still sweet. She didn't quite dig into her cake like Cooper did but she is a girl, after all. I guess she didn't want to get dirty. Cooper took up any slack though.

Sunday Cooper started playing in a 3-week winter soccer league. He had a blast and even got to be the goalie for a while. He made several saves - what a little athlete we have!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Merry Christmas (finally)

Well, it was almost a month ago but I think I remember us having a pretty good Christmas... whatever, we had a GREAT Christmas! Some of the highlights -

We got up on Christmas Eve and Cooper announced it was time to open a present. Cooper opened a Batman Lego Wii game from us. I'm proud to say that one month later I have to say it's his favorite gift. He is obsessed (and VERY good at it). CeeGee and Papa came over that afternoon. It was a hectic day of course. We opened a few more gifts. Cooper got a Foosball table and Libby got a baby doll. She immediately knew to "love" the baby, how sweet is that? When Jill (finally) showed up (some things never change, even on Christmas!) we had dinner, our traditional barbecue. I know, some people think that's weird but I've eaten barbecue on Christmas Eve every year since birth so it's quite traditional to me. Finally, it was time to put out the cookies and milk and reindeer food and go to bed.

We woke up the next morning and guess what...Santa had come! I don't know who reported to Santa but my kids were NOT as good as the gifts reflected - just kidding. Cooper got a bike, more wii games, clothes, etc. Libby got lots of cool baby toys but I have to say the wrapping paper all over the floor was more entertaining. Santa could have saved his money I guess.

The rest of the day was a blur. We ate, played and tried to clean up. Oh, and ate some more.

Friday we packed up and drove to Tennessee for round 2. Santa had filled stockings there too and somehow Cooper was able to get a sneak peak at his before anyone else! Cheater! Everyone else (and I mean everyone - Rusty, Kristin, Sophie, Lucy, Conner, Emma, John Conner, Dana, Charlie, Carson and Caroline) trickled in later that night or Saturday. More fun, fun, fun!!! The kids had a blast! They all got lots of great toys but they had just as much fun playing hide and seek.

All and all it was a great time!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Libby Loves Lenox (say that fast 3 times)

Ok, I'm trying to play catch up so bear with me...

David and Cooper headed to Tennessee the weekend before Christmas leaving the girls home alone. What better way to spend a girls weekend than SHOPPING?!? Seriously, I got an iphone for Christmas (love it - thanks Mom!) so I had to go pick it up at the Apple Store. Since Libby gets up at the crack of dawn it was easy to be there by 9:00. We picked up my new phone then just hung out at the mall for a while. Libby loved looking at all the lights and people. The line to ride the Pink Pig was insane. I think it was longer than the Santa line. We didn't really have any shopping left to do so we just strolled around and looked. Libby was really good and she got LOTS of compliments - she is pretty cute, isn't she?

I had heard that Santa was making a visit to the CVS down the street so we made sure that he knew exactly what Little Libby wanted for Christmas - you can't be too careful.