Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Disney World

We had THE best time at Disney World last weekend! I picked Cooper up from school on Thursday and we hit the road. We spent the weekend with Uncle Rusty and Aunt Kristin. They were the BEST hosts - fed us, let us come and go at all hours, took Cooper to get ice cream (don't even ASK about that story...). Cooper and Libby really bonded with Sophie. She is such a doll and they both loved playing with her. Here they all are in Soph's (or FiFi - Cooper loves that name) new sandbox

Friday morning we got up bright and early and hit the Magic Kingdom. I seriously could not have asked for anyone to be on better behavior. Cooper was fantastic. He didn't complain about anything, he didn't ask for anything, we just rode rides and had fun. Libby didn't want to take a nap all day (we were there for 13 hours) but she was still great. Even David, who I had my doubts about was a great sport.

A little aside - when we got to Rusty's we started talking about what time we would go to the park, etc. David said, "I'm just hoping we can make it until 3:00" That's when I knew we had an issue since I was planning to stay through the fireworks at 9:00. What's a little 7 hours discrepancy, right?

Most of the day went like this - Mommy and Cooper riding rides...

Daddy and Lib bonding in the shade...

Libby did ride a few rides and get in some playtime...

This is both of them on It's a Small World. Check out the 'fro on Lib...

Saturday was not nearly as fun. We were all exhausted and the Studio wasn't nearly as much fun as MK. It was a good lesson though - probably won't do back to back days again.

All in all we couldn't have had a much better trip. And Libby is just in love with her new Minnie.

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