Monday, November 16, 2009

First Haircut

Libby finally got her first haircut, which was more of a "whisper-cut" (that's Aunt Jill talk for not much of a cut at all). I got a little nervous that we were cutting all the curl out but by the time we were finished it was curlier than ever.
Nannie came down for a quick visit that day. We all loved seeing her. Cooper had her out in the front yard throwing the football (when she got tired I was instructed to "jump on in, mommy") and she fixed us a yummy dinner! Thanks Nannie!
This weekend the kiddos went to CeeGee's house. I know peanut butter pine cone ornaments were on the agenda but I never heard if that actually materialized. I do know they had a great time and Libby didn't want to get in the car with me :(
Thanksgiving will be here before we know it!